Wednesday, June 29


Nature table from Whitsun or "Pinse"
 My home making is on hold. My house making in on high speed, with the moving into a house and all, but the "home-making" with the kids is on the hold. Sad.  We make dinners and life goes on, thank goodnesss, but the enery is drained and the creativity on the back burner. I am looking forward to being completely moved in, to be able to paint, and garden. To bake and just be. Just read a wonderful post from the Parenting Passageway. A reminder to be aware of all the small moments in the day they can actually be of use. actually feel they are an invaluable asset to the household. Working on helping, not because they are nice, not because they are helping ME out, but doing necessary steps to survive. Without their help, the household would fall apart. Well, that all works in theory. In practice, not so easy. The oldest has been entrusted with the job of always clearing the table. So far so good.

On the other hand, the three-some have turned a pivotal corner of play. They play. Together. They leave, go upstairs and play. Mostly bossed around by Jasmin. Mostly imaginative, and mostly involving every single blanket, sheet and pillow in the house, all piled in one corner. Nesting.
Or dollhouse constructing. Here from the old house:

Drove to Bergen today, listening to all the summer seasonal songs by Mary on "Sing a song of seasons". Just wait, I am back on track in no time.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures, take time to breathe out, you have been so busy every day, breathing in all the new sensations, remember to breathe some out. love and light, Marie
