Wednesday, June 29


Nature table from Whitsun or "Pinse"
 My home making is on hold. My house making in on high speed, with the moving into a house and all, but the "home-making" with the kids is on the hold. Sad.  We make dinners and life goes on, thank goodnesss, but the enery is drained and the creativity on the back burner. I am looking forward to being completely moved in, to be able to paint, and garden. To bake and just be. Just read a wonderful post from the Parenting Passageway. A reminder to be aware of all the small moments in the day they can actually be of use. actually feel they are an invaluable asset to the household. Working on helping, not because they are nice, not because they are helping ME out, but doing necessary steps to survive. Without their help, the household would fall apart. Well, that all works in theory. In practice, not so easy. The oldest has been entrusted with the job of always clearing the table. So far so good.

On the other hand, the three-some have turned a pivotal corner of play. They play. Together. They leave, go upstairs and play. Mostly bossed around by Jasmin. Mostly imaginative, and mostly involving every single blanket, sheet and pillow in the house, all piled in one corner. Nesting.
Or dollhouse constructing. Here from the old house:

Drove to Bergen today, listening to all the summer seasonal songs by Mary on "Sing a song of seasons". Just wait, I am back on track in no time.

Friday, June 10

springtime tides, reoccuring

Despite cold weather, slight rain and cloudy, it IS summer according to the calendar.
Thus a springtime jumble of memories from up in Fitjadalsveien is at hand. 

first bike ride in march, snow banks still intact!
noa the man, in purple, he loves it.
thanks to ramona, we learnt how to make pom-poms. all the time.
garden cortado coming up. 

embroidery for three year olds. amazing.

egg found in elf forest. "very mysterious, how did they know it was easter soon?!"
easter nature table
very simple this year, dying eggs  with onions.

::this moment

::a friday ritual. a single photo capturing a moment from the week.

Ode to Andy Goldsworthy. Perfect picture books for children. Going into the mountains tomorrow, need inspiration.

Thursday, June 9

moving on.

So we moved. finally. check out the blog for more formal updates. we see porpoises from the breakfast table and are ultimately happy. beautiful. more to come.


I haven't  done posting on having specifically twins. I should though, especially since my wonderful cousin JUST had two little girls across the pond, HURRAY!, and I want to pass on some good vibes. Also, since our's have miraculously grown large, are not using diapers and do not need buggys, neither do they use sip cups or need naps (as of last week... so we shall see...). At any rate, we have turned a monumental corner in our lives here, Jasmin is to start school after the summer and simultaneously, we have moved into the new house. This creates glorious chances to sort, recycle, give away, sell and contemplate all the amazing amounts of stuff one can accumulate in one year.

So in turning corners, I have the energy to answer the question: how does one survive the amount of work and time required, how does one get enough sleep and most often, what do I need for twins!!!???
Well, here are my official 4 "do's" ( and DON'Ts):

1. Depending on your type, personality, financial situation, partner situation, you might react differently. But in general the rule is to take it easy, and practice patience. Like with a dealing with all aspects in life, AND especially children, if you keep your cool, you have solved half the problem. If you loose your patience, the problem doubles. I have done my share of sobbing at 2am, falling asleep while nursing two at the same time, and now, with two 3-year olds, getting irritated and shouting, but just remember they are SO small, you are capable and it all turns out in the end. START practicing patience NOW, before they come.

2. SLEEP when you can. START NOW! I have at times thought ( still happens) it more important to have a well-swept floor and gourmet dinners on the table, then to sleep. NOT TRUE.

3. Less is more. Is that a cliche? Most likely, since all cliches tend to be ultimately true. Less equipment than you think. Keep it simple. You DO NOT need two of everything! I do not have two sets of clothing, even now at the age of three, it resembles more 1 and a quarter. AND choose natural organic fabrics like wool and silk. They last longer, do not get dirty and you you need very few shirts since they seem to never get dirty. If they do, you just air them out. AND if you have a boy and girl, choose neutral colors, buy four of the same shirt, and just accept that he wears pink somedays.  (This mantra goes for everything. Toys, books, bicycles. Keep it simple, natural materials that are healthy for the children and the environment, and that will last longer and save money in the long run. Be strong and stay away from all the plastic-fantastic stuff you will be given. When plastic gets worn it just gets ugly and breaks, it is toxic and unnatural for little ones to chew on. It just feels too hard. Wood on the other hand gets patina, and is repairable.

4. Speaking of simple: On the other hand, coming from Norway, I DO recommend adequate sleeping arrangements when out and about. Which here means a large buggy, for the first 6 months, a cadillac. For the remaining two years they need it choose a smart one that can turn on a dime. I have my ultimate favorites I could not live without. Since it is cold in the winter you need a carry bag for each one, you can carry in from the buggy, so that they can continue sleeping when you get home, which is large enough for big sheepskin bags and covers.

After that I would not have survived without my One Tree HIll, or Mountain Buggy as I think it is called now. Easy to turn, easy to assemble. Fits through most doors. Good to sleep in. Would not need it if I lived in the bush, obviously, but everywhere else involving a little asphalt, dirt road, traffic and even buses, I recommend them. They are a little steep in price, OK they are the most expensive twin buggy I have come across, but they are worth it, and if you care for them, they are easy to sell used. Even better, buy them used as I did. You can buy small bags for them intended for newborns, but they only last 6 months, I personally think that is too soon to move over to the stroller/ sitting situation. They need a bag for the first year, to be able to lay down and stretch their back.

This is just as important if you come from warm climates or drives cars a lot, they need to be fully flat. And if you moms want to get back in shape and actually go meet people at cafes again the next two years, you need a big buggy they can sleep in comfortably. And you need a buggy they can sleep, eat, and be tied to in dangerous traffic situations when they are even older. Which I still do when I go to big cities like Bergen or the such.

Back with more exciting news just around the corner.
