Wednesday, September 22

Rain and the pox

Rain and the pox is it indeed. It has started to rain, and just as the twins were off into healthiness, and I was back to work, Jasmin gets bitten by bird fleas, which then become more and more, until we realize poor thing, she has chicken pox. So here we are again. Though tomorrow it is Anders' turn to stay home. And I am off to the library i think to work. In the rain.

Ramona and Joshua are the most gracious house guests you could imagine. We have been making exquisite food, with a lot of toasted nuts and veggies. Lentil soups, falafel, fish soup, fresh breads and yoghurt desserts, los of Tabouleh and pizza, fatayer and greek yoghurt.
Ramona and I did yoga and Pilates this evening. Wonderful to be two.

Apple season is in, if you are in the area, Steinstø Fruit farm sells the best fresh juice, thick as syrup, and tasty goodness.

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